ドン・キホーテ ブース





Don Quijote
Our Goals in Supporting LGBTQ+ Activism

We provide a work environment where psychological safety is maintained, and where employees can work with confidence and maximize their individual abilities and personalities.



■Conducting LGBTQ+ Training

We provide training (group and web-based) for employees in order to deepen their understanding of LGBTQ+ issues, and a total of approximately 42,000 employees have participated in the training by the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. After attending the training, employees who are interested are given an original sticker as proof of being an "Ally" (a person who supports LGBTQ+), which shows their support and promotes psychological reassurance to those concerned. We strive to ensure that each and every person working in the same workplace recognizes each other's diverse personalities and can maximize their abilities while engaging in friendly competition.


同性パートナーを持つ従業員が結婚祝い金の申請を行った際には独自に発行する「ライフパートナー届 受領証明書※2」を授与し、お二人のパートナーシップを祝福します。

■Welfare Programs

We have introduced the "Life Partner System" (1*) in order to recognize same-sex partners as spouses even without a same-sex partnership certificate issued by the respective local governments, and have expanded the scope of application to include wedding gifts and other benefits as well as rules related to transfers and rented company housing.
When an employee with a same-sex partner applies for the wedding gift, we congratulate their partnership by awarding them with an independently issued "Certificate of Receipt of Life Partner Notification" (2*).
*1: There are various conditions, such as submission of a certificate of residence, when using the system.
*2: This certificate has no legal standing.

■ポータルサイトの運用 相談窓口の設置


■Portal Site Operations & Establishment of Consultation Counter

In order to deepen employees' understanding of LGBTQ+ issues, the company provides LGBTQ+ information (basic knowledge, etiquette in communication with customers and employees, etc.) on an internal portal site.
The site also includes a checklist of internal procedures for employees who are LGBTQ+, such as when using a business name and when undergoing gender reassignment surgery.
The site also provides internal and external consultation services (anonymous) so that employees can consult with us when they have problems.


一般社団法人「work with Pride」が策定した職場での
性的マイノリティに関する取り組みの評価指標「P R I D E 指標2023」において、最高評価のゴールド」を6年連続で受賞しました。

■External Evaluations

The company received the highest rating of "Gold" for the sixth consecutive year in the "PRIDE Index 2023", an evaluation index for initiatives concerning sexual minorities in the workplace established by the general incorporated association "Work with Pride"
Click here for details of other initiatives